A man with grey hair and a black shirt

About Me


Hi, I’m Dan Richardson

Ordinarily, in this space I’d share a little bit about myself.  But since everything here is about sharing my evolutionary journey that hardly seems necessary.  My Story provides much of the detail about my life and how I arrived at this point.

My writing is aimed at bringing awareness to the inner dimensions of our being. Though much less familiar to us, it is arguably the bigger part of who we are.  This statement may cause you to wonder, how’s that?

Every human possesses the extraordinary gift of self-consciousness, though we often limit our awareness to the physical aspects of the world.  The result is a self-image that is constructed from an interpretation of our physical surroundings.  This begins with the newborn’s sensory distinction between self and not-self.  As we mature, this basic sense of self concludes that each of us is distinctly separate from all else.  And in seeing ourselves as separate, it unavoidably leads us down a path of judgement and comparison.  Being judged or comparing ourselves to others creates a sense of doubt, questions our worthiness, and produces insecurities.  Though we attempt to repress these feelings, they inevitably influence our decisions and our interactions with others. To compensate, we try to control the outer environment, for example, by impressing others with our personalities, knowledge, accomplishments, and possessions. 

But is that who we really are?  Think about it for a moment.  Are we not intuitively aware there’s more to our being?  Have you ever felt that emptiness—the sense that there’s something missing?  Yet, try as you might, you can never quite put your finger on it?  This may well be a beckoning to discover the inner-self.  From my own explorations, I have come to the awareness that we are here to learn, to grow, and to heal.  We are here to transcend the perception of separateness, to see each other as equals, and to gain awareness of our true-Self. “We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” ~Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.  

It is not my aim to impress or persuade, rather the intent is to inspire you to discover the truth for yourself.  The articles here may provide you with new ways of thinking, but ultimately you must begin to explore the dimensions of your inner-self.  An evolution of consciousness unfolds through a direct experience with the inner-self. 


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